2-3 Years
Please call 01738 634106 for more information

2-3 Years
Our 2-3 years playroom is bright and spacious with lots of opportunities to explore, create and learn through play, whilst also providing natural cosy areas for children to relax and feel nurtured.
The children are offered a healthy balance of free play and adult led activities which support development, encourage independance and help build confidence, taking into account guidance from Pre-Birth to Three and The Curriculum for Excellence. The children's input into their own learning and development is highly valued within the environment allowing them to have a sense of freedom and responsibility that promotes independent and individual learning.

My World Outdoors
The children are encouraged to access our outdoor play area throughout the day.
The garden area is safe and secure and encourges children to use resoures within the environment to promote their learning and development.
We regularly go out on outings within the local community and further to provide more experiences and learning opportunites that take into account the natural environment.

Rest Areas
The playroom offers lots of cosy and quiet areas that allow the children to rest and relax. There is also a seperate sleep room allowing for a quieter relaxing environment for longer periods of rest.